Monday, September 11, 2006


Why the name?

Contrary to appearances, I am not Greek. So where does the name come from?

The blog is named after Archbishop Damaskinos of the Greek Orthodox Church. He was the Archbishop of Athens during the Second World War, and was notable for his defiance of the Nazi occupying authorities and efforts to save Jews.

But the thing that made me name the blog after him is a story claiming that he was once threatened by the Nazis with death by firing squad. Upon hearing this, Damaskinos allegedly said, "According to the traditions of the Greek Orthodox Church, our prelates are hung and not shot. Please respect our traditions!"

Now that's my kind of guy. Read a bit about him here.

I will write whenever I can on whatever I feel like - put up with it or else!

Hmm, I like the sound of that guy. Sounds like my kind of guy too.
Well that's the great thing about human beings like that - for all I know good old Damaskinos might have other flaws (eg he may, given his background, be quite chauvinistic) but when fundamental issues are at stake the humanity and the wit comes through.
Everyone has flaws, but it's when things get down to the wire that true quality shines out.
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